Statement from FEPPS
We at FEPPS are grieving and angry at the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Manuel Ellis, Tony McDade and the countless other black and brown people who have died and suffered from violence and racism at the hands of police, in our legal system, and in our communities. We join the demand for an end to police violence and militarization. We call for a movement towards restorative justice and a shifting of resources towards meeting the needs of communities of color and law enforcement oversight. We stand in solidarity with those who are most harmed by the criminal legal system and strive to elevate their voices and experiences in all that we do. For those among us who are white, or who are confused, surprised or dismayed by the actions and demands of protesters this past week — this is an opportunity for humility, curiosity and action. We recommend as a great resource to learn about transformative justice and ending violence.