New Report on Best Practices in Higher Education in Prison
Faculty Director Tanya Erzen, along with colleagues Mary Gould and Jody Lewen, spent the last year writing a report on equity and excellence in the field of higher education in prison. This is the first comprehensive report written by and for practitioners to share recommendations drawing on the lessons learned from existing programs offering post-secondary education in prison settings.
Supported by the Lumina Foundation, the report discusses best practices in seven essential categories: program design, faculty recruitment, training and supervision, curriculum, pedagogy, instructional resources, and student advising and support services. This report is publicly available and is intended as a dynamic and aspirational guide to those considering funding, starting or improving college-in-prison programs. We hope you will read, enjoy and share!
“The overarching vision that guides this project is of a society
in which all people are afforded genuine opportunities to thrive,
regardless of their location or circumstance. In keeping with
this vision, we believe that the development of the field of
higher education in prison must be guided by an unwavering
commitment to equity, excellence and access.”
Read the full report here: Equity and Excellence in Practice!